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Главная » 2015 » Апрель » 14 » Путевки в детския оздоровительный лагерь
Путевки в детския оздоровительный лагерь


им. Маршала Еременко ул., д.15, Волгоград, 400123. Тел. (8442) 28-23-41. Факс (8442) 28-23-41.

Е-mail: tu43@social.volganet.ru

ОКПО 93520376, ОГРН 1103459005583, ИНН/КПП 3442111834/344201001


Уважаемые родители!

В рамках оздоровительной компании 2015года детям категорий:

- дети – инвалиды,

- дети – сироты,

- дети, оставшиеся без попечения родителей,

- безнадзорные дети (из семей, находящихся в социально-опасном положении; из семей, законные представители которых были привлечены к административной ответственности по ч.1 ст.5.35 КоАП РФ),

будут предложены путевки в лагеря Волгоградской области - 2, 3, 4 смена.


Для своевременного оформления документов и распределения имеющихся путевок, следует заблаговременно обращаться по адресу: ул. Еременко, 15, кабинет 7, тел. 27-49-71 с 8.30 до 17.30, обед с 12.00-13.00.

Просмотров: 557 | Добавил: школа76 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всего комментариев: 1
1 TannerRaise  
Acai Berry - How Come Acai Berry Supplement Good To You?
Is employs a powerful certified fair trade? There are many copycat companies seeing that are creating products get been low in quality and won't use the most beneficial associated with extracting the juice from berries.

Most individuals who are concerned about their bodies know around the health benefits of acai berry products.
They were used for hundreds of years in Latin america by ancient medicine many men.
The people in the United states just started using Acai in a newbie couple of years, because of several endorsements from babes.

Acai fruit drink is comparable to acai fruit juice except it has less in the fruit.
In order to generally be the product that has more filtered water content than juice, and may have added ingredients like sugar or corn syrup.

Acai Capsules are a remarkably concentrated capsule or pill that is normally packed with several vitamins nutrients in the acai berry itself.
Most of the additional nutrients include Phosphorus, Calcium, Potassium and valuable efas including Omega 6 and Omega getting.
Acai capsules are extremely easy to into daily daily workout.
For these reasons the capsules are preferred way of using Acai from a an acai weight loss program.

The Amazonian fruit is a strong defense again health threats that many of us struggle with and that is why its popularity is growing so good.
Such issue with inflammation, heart disease and auto immune disorders are helped by using the pure juice on every day basis.
It additionally be full of vitamin E among other vitamins that aid associated with look and feel on the epidermis.

Having more energy can even make a powerful impact on the way you live your life.
When you feel sluggish and exhausted at the end within the day, treat thing more powerful and healthier to do is hit the gym or put up with a grueling workout procedure.
You need energy to reduce fat - there is no way around it.
An acai berry supplement is like a jolt to your energy level - and a secure one that.
You won't have to put lets start work on the jitters that other weight loss supplements cause that make you feel appreciate your heart is about to explode.

ORAC (oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) score of the acai is 167.
It efficacy in comparison to its anti oxidants can be gauged from the fact that blue berry's ORAC score is 32 and that of Apple is 14.

If purchasing the luxury of exercising all day, every day, you need to have to focus on what's happening inside the actual to help you get the results you fancy.
The best place to start is to boost your metabolism as almost as much ast possible.
The metabolism burns away fat you have in method.
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«  Апрель 2015  »
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